Dr. Aram Seddigh

Dr. Seddigh is a work environment expert who focuses on office environment and new ways of working. When transitioning to flexible working methods such as hybrid or activity based working methods, his knowledge can facilitate your journey.

He is a licensed psychologist, economist and has a PhD in work and organisational psychology, where his thesis focused on how different types of office environments and ways of working affect employees’ health and productivity.

Let’s Talk

About Me

Dr. Seddigh is the CEO of WeOffice and also works as a workplace strategist, supporting organisations in developing and implementing workplace strategies. Dr. Seddigh is also a holds courses and certifies workplace strategists. He is a frequently hired lecturer, seminar leader, change manager and project leader.

Due to his vast knowledge of the field, Dr. Seddigh is frequently interviewed in newspapers and often appears in various podcasts about health, sustainability and the work environment, as well as in radio (Swedish and international) and TV channels.

Lectures and workshops

Since 2012, Dr Seddigh has conveyed knowledge about the work environment and new ways of working, partly through his research in the field and partly through lectures and workshops on new ways of working. Activity-based ways of working, creating and implementing workplace strategies, hybrid working methods, and change management are some of the topics he focuses on in his workshops and lectures. Below, you will find more information about some of his most requested lectures and workshops on new ways of working.

Office types and different ways of working

Cell offices, office landscapes, activity-based offices and hybrid working methods – what are the differences and what opportunities and limitations does each solution entail?


Define your why?

“He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how,” the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche allegedly stated. And quite rightly – a strong vision that is rooted in the company’s challenges and opportunities can give the project stability and facilitate change for employees. During this workshop, we support your management team or steering group in developing your vision and fill the concepts with relevant content.


Decades of research – How we are affected by different types of offices and ways of working

During this lecture, current research findings are presented linked to how different types of offices and working methods affect employees’ health and productivity. What does the research tell us about what we need to focus on in order to achieve a functioning office design and way of working? How do we handle the challenges associated with each design, and how do we realise the opportunities?


This is how you create participation!

Creating participation in projects related to changes in working methods is a success factor. Participation gives employees better insight and creates predictability, but above all, participation gives the project group the opportunity to understand the needs of the business and resolve knots that hinder the efficiency of the organisation. In this workshop, we go through your intended process and discuss how and around what we can create participation.


Lead the change to a new way of working

Change is a natural part of our lives. Despite this, it is common for changes in office layouts and working methods to stir up a lot of thoughts and feelings. During this lecture, the reactions that usually occur during the change are presented, as well as how you can lead the change so that the transition to the new way of working is successful.


My Day at Work

During this workshop, employees get the opportunity to get acquainted with different types of workspaces that can be found in a flexible office. Afterwards, they get the opportunity to choose which surfaces they prefer for which activities. This workshop not only gives employees an understanding of how the new office can be used, but also gives the project team an insight into what preferences the employees have.


How the brain is affected by different types of offices and working methods

People have a limited capacity for handling information. A well-functioning environment gives the individual the conditions to use their capacity in the best way. During this lecture, how environments should be created to give the individual the support he or she needs, is presented. This also touches on what demands different office layouts and ways of working put on individuals.


How our new way of working will be – which activities do I perform best on which surfaces?

Before the transition to the new way of working, it is wise to make a comprehensive presentation of how the physical, digital and organisational work environment are intended to work. During this workshop, we meet the employees and go through the new way of working and present how it can help them succeed in their work.


Flexible yes, but how do we create an efficient work environment for teams and project work?

One concept that is on the rise is Agile offices and working methods. But how do we create a work environment that supports employees who work agilely. And what is the difference between creating good conditions to work on projects?


Opportunities and risks in the project and in the upcoming change

It happens that the workplace strategy has not been able to focus on the risks and opportunities that the project has to deal with. Risks can be about conditions related to change management or the project’s opportunities to keep schedule and budget. During this workshop, we go through risks and opportunities with a focus on how they can be managed or realized. This workshop is usually held with the project team.


Increased flexibility and trust

A trust-oriented leadership usually facilitates a flexible way of working. But a trust-oriented leadership means that highly present leadership where each individual receives the support he needs to carry out his tasks in a good way. During this lecture, what leadership means is presented, and concepts such as trust-friendly and trustworthy are defined.


Individual differences in personality and cognition

Personality is highlighted as an important factor when it comes to how we thrive and perform in different types of offices and working methods. Is this true? And how strong is the role of the personality in relation to the demands that the tasks place on the individual in relation to  output?


Workplace strategy for the flexible office

With this book, Aram Seddigh presents a guide to creating and implementing workplace strategies for flexible workplaces that fulfill employees and businesses needs. The focus is primarily on hybrid and activity-based working methods, but the method also applies to other types of workplaces and ways of working.

The first part of the book lays a theoretical foundation, which is entirely research based. The second, more practically oriented part, shows – with a large number of examples – the methods and tools used when creating and implementing a workplace strategy.

The book provides both a solid theoretical basis, as well as practical tools for implementation, where the examples show different needs and approaches adapted to the organisation. It can be used as course literature in continuing education, as well as in vocational and university education.

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See the full support Aram’s company can provide

Visit WeOffice.eu

WeOffice supports organisations to create a better work environment by training workplace strategists, creating workplace strategies, by providing workplace analytics tools and through consultancy services.

Academic publications

Below you will find Aram’s academic publications. These scientific articles have all been published in peer-reviewed scientific journals.

Sickness absence and sickness presence in relation to office type: An observational study of employer-recorded and self-reported data from Sweden

Platts, L. G., Seddigh, A., Berntson, E., & Westerlund, H. (2020). Plos One, 1-13.

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Concentration requirements modify the effect of office type on indicators of health and performance.

Seddigh, A., Berntson, E., Bodin Danielson, C., & Westerlund, H. (2014). Journal of Environmental Psychology. doi: 10.1016/j.jenvp.2014.01.009.

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Does personality have a different impact on self-rated distraction, job satisfaction and job performance in different office types?

Seddigh, A., Berntson, E., & Westerlund, H. (2016). Plos One, 11(5), 1-14.

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Office type, performance and well-being – A study of how personality and work tasks interact with contemporary office environments and ways of working.

Seddigh, A. (2015). Doctoral thesis. Stockholm University, Stockholm

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Effect of better and worse noise absorption in open-plan office: a field study with a cross-over design.

Seddigh, A., Jönsson, F., Berntson, E., & Westerlund, H. (2014). Journal of Environmental Psychology, 44, 34-44.

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The association between office design and performance on demanding cognitive tasks.

Seddigh, A., Stenfors, C., Berntson, E., Bååth, R., Sikström, S., & Westerlund, H. (2015). Journal of Environmental Psychology, 42, 172-181.

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The roles of shared perceptions of individual job insecurity and job insecurity climate for work- and health-related outcomes: A multilevel approach.

Låstad, L., Näswall, K., Berntson, E., Seddigh, A., & Sverke, M. (2016). Economics and Industrial Democracy, 39, 422-438.

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What people say

Thanks to Dr. Seddigh. An inspiring and well-read lecturer!

Aram delivered in an easy-to-understand unadorned way with a lot of humor. He both confirmed and challenged all of us who were present.

I also had the pleasure of handling the booking with Aram and the collaboration went perfectly. Thousand thanks!

Very good setup. Research, theory interspersed with practical exercises and good discussions that provided both aha experiences, a high recognition factor and new knowledge.

Inspirational course leader who succeeded well in keeping the interest up for us participants every three days.

Interviews in the press

Dr. Seddigh’s commitment to office and workplace issues generates curiosity. Below, you will find links to a selection of articles and interviews he has contributed to.

  • Arbetsplatsstrategen: Så lyckas du med framtidens kontor

  • Framtidens kontor – scenarios och strategier för kontoret post-pandemi

  • Idéutbyten, snabba avstämningar och fokus – därför behövs kontoret

  • Lyckas med framtidens kontor

  • Aram Seddigh om kontorslandskap

  • Sämst trivsel i kontorslandskap

  • En kontorsmiljö för alla åldrar

  • Podd: Den kreativa arbetsplatsen kräver flexibiliet och tydligt ledarskap

  • Så undviker du stress på jobbet

  • Stökigt kontor ökar sjuktal

  • Tillbaka till kontoret – Kropp och själ

  • 30 sekunders regeln

  • Aktivitetsbaserade kontor – Så lyckas ni

  • Många fördelar med flexibla kontor

  • Han bloggar om din arbetsplats

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